Monday, October 12, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Alpha Lubicz

Oh, what a find! Alpha Lubicz's collages are a charming delight!

Check the out online -

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Orly Cogan

Orly Cogan. "Wild Poppies". Embroidery on Fabric. Courtesy of the artist.

New works by Orly Cogan are coming soon to AMMO's inventory. Please let us know if you would like to be informed when they arrive.

See more of Cogan's fantastic embroidery, drawings, and collages on her website -

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Art Criticism Discussion Group

For all New Orleans Artists and Writers who want to build a stronger arts community: The next meeting of the art criticism discussion group will be Thursday, September 24 at 6:00 p.m. in the CAC cafe. If for any reason we are not able to meet there... (as happened in June), ask at the information desk for the alternate room. Please try to purchase a drink or snack to express our appreciation to the CAC for keeping the cafe open for us. Items to be discussed include the newly revamped website, decision on a name, setting up a meeting between artists and writers, and possible means of attracting and paying good critical writers. Representatives of a writers' group have been invited to attend. Meetings are respectful of your time and last one and a half hours (to 7:30). All members of the contemporary art community are welcome. Cynthia Scott, organizer.

Time:6:00PM Thursday, September 24th
Location:Contemporary Arts Center - 900 Camp Street

Monday, September 14, 2009

AMMO teams up with The Porch

A Mardi Gras Indian dances with neighborhood children during the Porch 7th Ward Cultural Festival.

For Immediate Release:

The directors of AMMO are thrilled to announce their partnership with The Porch 7th Ward Cultural Organization. As The Porch begins their very first workshop for adults, the Mardi Gras Indian Cooperative Workshop, AMMO's directors, Cedric Angeles and Mia Kaplan, will be joining them to assist with the presentation, marketing, and development of the workshop as an ongoing collective.

This October the Porch 7th Ward Cultural Organization is beginning a
Mardi Gras Indian Cooperative Workshop for individuals interested in
the traditional sewing and beading techniques of the Mardi Gras
Indians. the Porch is a community-based cultural organization that
seeks to promote and sustain cultures of the neighborhood, city and
region, and to foster exchange between cultural groups. The workshop
is free and open to all, and hopes to bring together as many different
Mardi Gras Indian styles and histories as possible. It will be held at
the Porch every Thursday evening from 7-9pm, October 1st through July
29th, and will culminate in an exhibition of the collective’s work in
October 2010 at Ammo Gallery in the French Quarter: a contemporary art
gallery that represents emerging to established artists and produces
other innovative projects.

The workshop will be led by “Coach”

Collins Anthony Lewis and Nicole W. Ramsey, and the Porch will supply
all materials. If you would like to participate and you are highly
creative and committed, please come by the Porch at 1941 Pauger
(corner of Urquhart) to fill out an application anytime between 9am
and 7pm from Monday, September 14th through Wednesday, September 23rd.
Participants’ children are welcome to come with them to the workshop.
Please call the Porch Program Coordinator with any questions at

visit The Porch online at

Friday, August 28, 2009

Review: Brian Guidry and Michelle Levine

Brian Guidry & Michelle Levine are currently exhibiting their work at the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans for the exhibition curated by Dan Cameron, "Hot up Here".

Read Doug MacCash's Review:

"Hot Up Here: New Work by New Orleans Artists" at the Contemporary Arts Center is a sample platter heaped with works by 16 cream-of-the-crop mid-career Crescent City conceptualists, with a traditional painter or two tossed in for good measure. It's the latest of the CAC's long-running series of survey exhibits (previously known as the Louisiana Biennial, and the Louisiana Open before that), which periodically check the temperature of the New Orleans art scene.

And "Hot Up Here" is pretty hot. It's the aesthetically steamy must-see show of the late summer.

Unless you feel you've seen it all before, that is.

CAC curator Dan Cameron, who selected the "Hot Up Here" artists, is the reigning king of Crescent City art. His Prospect.1 New Orleans exhibit, which took place between October 2008 and January, did more to ratchet up New Orleans' contemporary art scene than any other single event -- ever.

Prospect.1 spoiled us. We now have a taste for the most mind-bending contemporary art. Luckily, there are lots of New Orleans artists able to provide it. "Hot Up Here" proves that.

continued >>>

Review: Loren Schwerd

Read the Examiner: "Loren Schwerd at AMMO" by Chris Herbeck

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Latest New American Paintings is Ready!

See Brian Guidry's recent work in the latest New American Paintings, an Open Studios Press publication that focuses on one region at a time. This year's Southern Regional Edition was juried by Ron Platt, Curator of Contemporary Art at the Birmingham Museum of Art.

We also noticed two other of our favorite New Orleans artists in the line-up - Nicole Charbonnet and Aaron Collier!

A warm congratulations to all the artists who made it in. Pick up a copy today at your favorite book store when you get a chance...but I'm thinking (unfortunately) that you might have no other choice in town than Borders or Barnes & Noble.

Have you been to The Porch yet?

The Porch is a community-based organization that is using the arts to affect social change. A grassroots organization instigated, post-Katrina, in New Orleans’ 7th Ward, the Porch serves the community bounded by St. Bernard Avenue, N. Claiborne Avenue, Elysian Fields Avenue and St. Claude Avenues. The Porch builds on cultural assets of the neighborhood, working in their community center at 1941 Pauger Street.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Loren Schwerd's "Mourning Portrait"

Above: "Unmoored, Near Dorgenious Street". Human hair, mixed media.

It's hard to think about the month of August without remembering the lives and communities lost in Katrina. In celebration and in memorium, AMMO proudly presents a solo exhibition by Baton Rouge and former New Orleans resident Loren Schwerd. Her "Mourning Portrait" series is a collection of sculptures made from photographs she took of actual homes in New Orleans after the flood, brought to life using the eighteenth and early nineteenth century practice of hair weaving to create pieces that commemorate cycles of life and death.

Please join us for the opening of the exhibit this Saturday, August 15, from 6 -9pm. The show will be on view through September 16.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Michelle Levine - New Mural and Upcoming Show at CAC

Michelle working on mural, posted on blog photos (see original context of photo here)

New Orleans artist Michelle Levine recently completed a new mural, entitled "An Afternoon of Beauty", for Heaven on Earth Dog Daycare and Spa. Levine's love for signage and community activism is well rewarded by her talents, as this mural adds a beautiful vista to the business's current location, and joy to passers-by. Michelle's company, Mondo Murals and Design, specializes in custom muralwork for commerical and private settings. (

The mural was completed just last week.

Meanwhile, as her personal artwork continues to develop (and we'll have more on those developments posted later in the year), TEN of Michelle's "Signs of The Times" paintings were chosen by Dan Cameron, CAC Director of visuals arts and curator/founder of the acclaimed "Prospect" biennials, to be exhibited in the upcoming exhibition at the CAC during Whitney White Linen Night 2009. Michelle is nothing short of ecstatic - upon hearing the news she states "I have been wanting to show at the CAC since I was in my twenties. It is such an honor to be included, and by no less than Dan Cameron, who I really admire". (

See Michelle Levine's "Signs of The Times" series here:

Michelle Levine is represented by AMMO. For further information, please contact Mia Kaplan at 504-301-2584.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Damien Hirst

Charming, isn't he?

This silkscreen print was recently found amid David Gamble's extensive collection of documentary and fun-filled photographic work. The print was made from a photo David took of Damien in the 90s. Image size measures 30 x 40" and is printed with blue-gray ink on white rag paper.

For further information contact Mia at the gallery: 504-301-2584.

David Gamble is represented in New Orleans by AMMO.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Upcoming Show: Rajko Radovanovic

The directors of AMMO are pleased to present a solo exhibition by internationally acclaimed artist Rajko Radovanovic. “I Am Standing Behind My Work” opens this Saturday, June 20, from 6 – 9pm. The artist will be arriving via mule-drawn carriage to complete a performance piece upon arriving in the gallery at 6pm to discuss his work during the opening reception. Photos are encouraged, shirt and shoes are optional.

This exhibition is of certain significance to the artist - his first one-man show in the United States. Radovanovic has remained active throughout his extensive career as a conceptual artist and community activist, having shown in the UK, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Italy, and Poland . In a recent publication about the artist, he is considered to have lead a significant role in the development of the Contemporary Arts scene in Eastern Europe, and has already begun his work as an activist in New Orleans. Radovanovic joined the Good Children Gallery collective in early 2009 and has since then completed a public mural project of his work "A Precondition", serigraphs of which will be shown in this exhibition along with a series of playful self-portraits illustrating the artist's relationship to his work.

Join us for the last show of the season before the sweltering heat of New Orleans takes us all down. We look forward to seeing you there, and you wouldn't want to miss this one.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rajko Radovanovic is one HOT CONCEPTUALIST, according to Doug MacCash

Rajko Radovanovic will be exhibiting TONIGHT at Good Children Gallery, as part of a group exhibition involving members of the GCG collective, namely Jessica Bizer, Matt Vis, Tony Campbell, Brian Guidry(also represented by AMMO!), Srdjan Loncar, Malcolm McClay, Alisoun Meehan, Adrian Price, Christopher Saucedo, and Stephen Collier - referred to by Times Picayune Arts writer Doug MacCash as some of the city's "hottest conceptualists".

More work by Rajko Radovanovic coming soon to AMMO's website. Rajko's exhibition, "I Am Standing Behind My Work" opens at AMMO on June 20.

Brian Guidry's exhibition opens at AMMO in November -

More of Brian Guidry's work can see seen on his featured artist page:

For Mmore information about Good Children Gallery, visit their website at

Michelle Levine Featured in SOTT Magazine!

In my last conversation with Michelle, when talking about her recent project painting the Kupcake Factory, she commented to me that the more she paints signs, the more she identifies with their function in the community. I was thrilled to receive copies of this "Signs of the Times" magazine, a publication that is produced for Sign Industry professionals, to see her artwork become exposed to an industry that probably doesn't think about gallery hopping very often.

And isn't that the point? To recruit others into our artsy cult? Why do artists always think of mainstream publications to share their work, when there are so many different types of people who are passionate about the same things, sometimes not even realizing that the way they see their work is very similar to the way an artist sees their own.

Congrats Michelle! We love you!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lou Blackwell coverage

Lou Blackwell featured in Where Magazine May 2009 issue.

When in New Orleans, pick up a copy of Where Magazine, used as a guide for visitors to New Orleans, and open it to the Galleries + Antiques Section to find a feature on Lou Blackwell!

Also, Lou's outdoor public mural, "All Aboard", was rated by Art Critic Doug MacCash of the Times Picayune in New Orleans. Lou's piece, as well as several other monumental works, were part of the "Art in Public Places" project, sponsored by The Arts Council of New Orleans and the Joan Mitchell Foundation.

Lou Blackwell's mural, All Aboard, sponsored by LePavillion Hotel.

Read Doug MacCash's complete coverage of the Art in Public Places project here:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Michelle Levine makes the Kupcake Factory a masterpiece!

The newest location of the Kupcake Factory, located at 6223 South Claiborne Avenue features beautiful mural work by AMMO artist Michelle Levine!

To see more mural work by Michelle Levine, visit her website:

and check out the Kupcake Factory:

Christopher Deris featured in "t(here)" Magazine!

Look for the upcoming issue of t(here) Magazine! This upcoming issue focuses on New Orleans, and features several of our friends, local New Orleans artists, and not to mention our own Christopher Deris!

More information about t(here):

See Christopher Deris's work online:

AMMO director Mia Kaplan featured in Nola Shines

The Nola Shines crew talked with Mia Kaplan about her background, her philosophy, and how she and Cedric started AMMO.

read the article here:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

AMMO artist Brian Guidry selected for New American Paintings

Congratulations to Brian Guidry, who has just been notified of his acceptance into the upcoming Southern edition of the juried publication, New American Paintings. This year's juror, Ron Platt, is the Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Birmingham Museum of Art in Birmingham, AL.

Look for the publication,
New American Painting
s, No. 82., in the coming months, and learn more about New American Paintings at their website,

Friday, March 13, 2009

No More Taxes!!! Woo Hoo!

Ahh...Look at that logo. Thanks to the people who operate under that logo and the lovely woman who brought it to my attention, Ms. Katherine Bray, there shall be NO MORE SALES tax for ANYONE who purchases artwork from Ammo, which is great because now filing my sales tax papers will be that much easier!

So come on! Fall in some art, and share your ideals!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

AMMO artist Jon Coffelt featured in Fiber Arts Magazine

We are proud to announce that Jon Coffelt's "Memory Clothes" were featured in the latest issue of Fiber Arts Magazine. The feature discusses in detail Coffelt's process and the source materials that make his work so unique.

Coffelt's work is only made by commission. For pricing and further information, contact us at the gallery at 504-301-2584.

see the feature online:

UPCOMING SHOW: Robin Durand's "Urbanscapes"

The directors of AMMO are pleased to present “Urbanscapes”, a solo exhibition of new works by Robin Durand. “Urbanscapes” will be on view at AMMO, 938 Royal Street, in the French Quarter of New Orleans, from March 21 through April 18, 2009.

There are areas of New Orleans that are unusually picturesque – and Robin Durand has captured a glimpse of these places that are often underappreciated. Freeway underpasses, overpasses, culverts, and slums become radiant in Durand’s delicate approach to painting, adding layers of paint to thinly washed panels to draw attention to the color combinations and compositions made by light and shadows at varying times of day.

In his own words:

For me, vision is not something that imposes itself on the eye, but something that is constantly being created and re-created in the mind. Vision shifts from one form to another as our focus and priorities change. Realizing this essential malleability of what I see is fundamental to my painting. I explore visual situations on site. I seek to unravel the intelligence of vision and arrive at something expansive to myself. My locations come from being struck by a motif that opens itself up to this particular curiosity. Often times the color combinations in a particular light are what grab my attention. My fascination with color comes from years studying various color principles, such as Monet’s “Envelope of Light” and Cezanne’s “Color Modulation”. What I look at is controlled partly by the ability to set up and paint unhindered by too much hustle and bustle. I also look for the overlooked, which brings me to areas of poverty such as overpasses or slums. Combinations of natural and industrial, old and new, intrigue me. New Orleans is filled with such combinations.

Durand was born in Hawaii and is the third generation of landscape painters in his family. He studied painting as an apprentice to George T. Thurmond and received a degree in Drawing and Painting from Louisiana State University. In addition to landscapes, Durand has an extensive background in mural work, including several commissions by the late Al Copeland for his restaurants in the United States. Durand’s work can also be found in the public collections of the Masur Museum of Fine Art, LSU Medical School, the Society for Geophysical Research, and the collection of Country Roads Magazine. He currently lives and works in New Orleans.

AMMO will celebrate the opening of “Urbanscapes” with an artist’s reception on Saturday, March 21, from 6:00 to 9:00pm. For images or more information, visit AMMO’s website at or contact Gallery Director Mia Kaplan at 504-301-2584 or by e-mail at

Sunday, February 22, 2009

AMMO artist Casey McDonough to be featured in this year's NCECA Conference in Phoenix, AZ

What great news!

Casey McDonough, who creates ceramic and collage-based works will be exhibiting at this year's upcoming NCECA conference (NCECA - National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) in Phoenix, AZ.

To learn more about the NCECA conference, visit their website at

Monday, February 16, 2009

Robert Stickloon's "Creature Comforts" opens on Saturday, February 21

For the opening reception of Robert Stickloon's "Creature Comforts".

The directors of AMMO are pleased to present "Creature Comforts", a solo exhibition by Pennsylvania-based artist, Robert Stickloon. The classical nature of Stickloon's technique is rewarded in this exhibition of figurative works that are modeled after little girls' paper cut-out dolls. Using the analogy of a "clothes horse" Stickloon creates an air of social satire using stereotypes that apply to both popular and subversive lifestyles.

"Creature Comforts" will be on view from February 21 through March 18, 2009.

above: Robert Stickloon. "One Pay Away" Oil on canvas. Courtesy of the artist and AMMO.

"Signs of the Times" poster now available online!

AMMO will soon be launching an online store to purchase items including books, catalogs, t-shirts, and other products from the artists we represent.

Introducing Michelle Levine's "Signs of the Times" poster. The first side catalogs each painting from her project with location and statistical information about the locations she painted one year after the storm. The second side is a close-up of one painting.

Michelle Levine - "Signs of the Times" 2-sided poster. $30.

Please give us a call if you need help ordering online or prefer to order over the phone.

Wishing you the best,


Friday, January 16, 2009

Interview with artist Michelle Levine

AMMO director Cedric Angeles talks with Michelle Levine before her upcoming show, "Signs of the Times".

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Signs of the Times" opens January 24

NEW ORLEANS, 01/09/09 -

The directors of AMMO are pleased to celebrate Black History Month with an exhibition of works by New Orleans artist Michelle Levine. "Signs of the Times" is an exhibition of 40 original oil paintings depicting ravaged McDonald's signs which were documented by the artist immediately following Hurricane Katrina. Beyond their context in New Orleans and their documentary value post-storm, Levine's work encompasses a sentiment felt widely across the United States as a result of the economic recession. Representing objects and emblems which once seemed invincible, Levine reminds us that everything is subject to the wind.

In addition to painting, Levine has dedicated a great deal of her time creating costumes and performing as a member of the Mardi Gras Social & Pleasure Krewe of Mondo Kayo. As a citizen who plays an integral part of New Orleans' cultural fabric, Levine found a symbolic familiarity in the "Golden Arches" as a subject - a symbol of free enterprise, and comfort food for millions of Americans. She first showed the "Signs of the Times" in New Orleans for a one-night exhibition in the former Robert Bruno Gallery. Refusing to sell the works unless they were purchased in entirety, Levine took her show on the road, exhibiting both in the United States and in Torino, Italy.

AMMO is proud to present the works for the first time in a commercial venue. "Signs of the Times" will be on view from January 24 through February 18, 2009. AMMO would like to add that "Signs of the Times" is in no way affiliated with "Signs of the Times" magazine.

For images and more information, contact Mia Kaplan at 504-220-9077 or

AMMO is open this weekend

Dear Art Lovers,

Stop by this Saturday, January 17, to celebrate a successful show by Christopher Deris. The gallery will be open from 11 am till 9pm, with an artist's reception between 6-9pm. "Cowboys, Zombies, and Prosthetic Eyes" will be on view through January 18.

Wishing you the best,