Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Signs of the Times" opens January 24

NEW ORLEANS, 01/09/09 -

The directors of AMMO are pleased to celebrate Black History Month with an exhibition of works by New Orleans artist Michelle Levine. "Signs of the Times" is an exhibition of 40 original oil paintings depicting ravaged McDonald's signs which were documented by the artist immediately following Hurricane Katrina. Beyond their context in New Orleans and their documentary value post-storm, Levine's work encompasses a sentiment felt widely across the United States as a result of the economic recession. Representing objects and emblems which once seemed invincible, Levine reminds us that everything is subject to the wind.

In addition to painting, Levine has dedicated a great deal of her time creating costumes and performing as a member of the Mardi Gras Social & Pleasure Krewe of Mondo Kayo. As a citizen who plays an integral part of New Orleans' cultural fabric, Levine found a symbolic familiarity in the "Golden Arches" as a subject - a symbol of free enterprise, and comfort food for millions of Americans. She first showed the "Signs of the Times" in New Orleans for a one-night exhibition in the former Robert Bruno Gallery. Refusing to sell the works unless they were purchased in entirety, Levine took her show on the road, exhibiting both in the United States and in Torino, Italy.

AMMO is proud to present the works for the first time in a commercial venue. "Signs of the Times" will be on view from January 24 through February 18, 2009. AMMO would like to add that "Signs of the Times" is in no way affiliated with "Signs of the Times" magazine.

For images and more information, contact Mia Kaplan at 504-220-9077 or info@ammoarts.com.

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