Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rajko Radovanovic is one HOT CONCEPTUALIST, according to Doug MacCash

Rajko Radovanovic will be exhibiting TONIGHT at Good Children Gallery, as part of a group exhibition involving members of the GCG collective, namely Jessica Bizer, Matt Vis, Tony Campbell, Brian Guidry(also represented by AMMO!), Srdjan Loncar, Malcolm McClay, Alisoun Meehan, Adrian Price, Christopher Saucedo, and Stephen Collier - referred to by Times Picayune Arts writer Doug MacCash as some of the city's "hottest conceptualists".

More work by Rajko Radovanovic coming soon to AMMO's website. Rajko's exhibition, "I Am Standing Behind My Work" opens at AMMO on June 20.

Brian Guidry's exhibition opens at AMMO in November -

More of Brian Guidry's work can see seen on his featured artist page:

For Mmore information about Good Children Gallery, visit their website at

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