Monday, June 15, 2009

Upcoming Show: Rajko Radovanovic

The directors of AMMO are pleased to present a solo exhibition by internationally acclaimed artist Rajko Radovanovic. “I Am Standing Behind My Work” opens this Saturday, June 20, from 6 – 9pm. The artist will be arriving via mule-drawn carriage to complete a performance piece upon arriving in the gallery at 6pm to discuss his work during the opening reception. Photos are encouraged, shirt and shoes are optional.

This exhibition is of certain significance to the artist - his first one-man show in the United States. Radovanovic has remained active throughout his extensive career as a conceptual artist and community activist, having shown in the UK, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Italy, and Poland . In a recent publication about the artist, he is considered to have lead a significant role in the development of the Contemporary Arts scene in Eastern Europe, and has already begun his work as an activist in New Orleans. Radovanovic joined the Good Children Gallery collective in early 2009 and has since then completed a public mural project of his work "A Precondition", serigraphs of which will be shown in this exhibition along with a series of playful self-portraits illustrating the artist's relationship to his work.

Join us for the last show of the season before the sweltering heat of New Orleans takes us all down. We look forward to seeing you there, and you wouldn't want to miss this one.

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