Monday, June 29, 2009

Michelle Levine - New Mural and Upcoming Show at CAC

Michelle working on mural, posted on blog photos (see original context of photo here)

New Orleans artist Michelle Levine recently completed a new mural, entitled "An Afternoon of Beauty", for Heaven on Earth Dog Daycare and Spa. Levine's love for signage and community activism is well rewarded by her talents, as this mural adds a beautiful vista to the business's current location, and joy to passers-by. Michelle's company, Mondo Murals and Design, specializes in custom muralwork for commerical and private settings. (

The mural was completed just last week.

Meanwhile, as her personal artwork continues to develop (and we'll have more on those developments posted later in the year), TEN of Michelle's "Signs of The Times" paintings were chosen by Dan Cameron, CAC Director of visuals arts and curator/founder of the acclaimed "Prospect" biennials, to be exhibited in the upcoming exhibition at the CAC during Whitney White Linen Night 2009. Michelle is nothing short of ecstatic - upon hearing the news she states "I have been wanting to show at the CAC since I was in my twenties. It is such an honor to be included, and by no less than Dan Cameron, who I really admire". (

See Michelle Levine's "Signs of The Times" series here:

Michelle Levine is represented by AMMO. For further information, please contact Mia Kaplan at 504-301-2584.

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