Monday, January 18, 2010

Highlights from the Portfolio Reviews

The best thing about being a curator is getting to look at SO MUCH AMAZING WORK, without having to worry about contractual obligations or any of the other BS that keeps an artist from sharing their work with others.

This week, we put out a request for portfolios to see what our Facebook members had to show us. I'd like to share some of my favorites, from artists that I have never heard from before.

The first image is a work on paper by Gulf Coast artist Nathanael Thayer Moss ( This piece, "Headpiece" 8.5 x 11 inches, is from his 2008 drawings. If you go all the way down to the bottom of the page, there are several of these that just made my heart want to explode. What I love is how they look like a combination of ceremonial masks, video games, and cross-stitching.

The next image is from a New York based artist named Charnan Lewis ( Lewis's piece, "Swiss Mountain" is made using recycled styrofoam balls (the ones that became all to familiar to those of us who once owned a bean bag chair) and paint.

I'm a big fan of work made by recycled objects, by breathing life back into things. It comes from a sense of primitivism, that some people, no matter if they have the means to purchase traditional materials or not, will make art out of anything. Those are the ones who remind us that inspiration is everywhere.

I'll have to finish this post later...Life is demanding my attention!

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