Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rajko Radovanovic is one HOT CONCEPTUALIST, according to Doug MacCash

Rajko Radovanovic will be exhibiting TONIGHT at Good Children Gallery, as part of a group exhibition involving members of the GCG collective, namely Jessica Bizer, Matt Vis, Tony Campbell, Brian Guidry(also represented by AMMO!), Srdjan Loncar, Malcolm McClay, Alisoun Meehan, Adrian Price, Christopher Saucedo, and Stephen Collier - referred to by Times Picayune Arts writer Doug MacCash as some of the city's "hottest conceptualists".

More work by Rajko Radovanovic coming soon to AMMO's website. Rajko's exhibition, "I Am Standing Behind My Work" opens at AMMO on June 20.

Brian Guidry's exhibition opens at AMMO in November -

More of Brian Guidry's work can see seen on his featured artist page:

For Mmore information about Good Children Gallery, visit their website at

Michelle Levine Featured in SOTT Magazine!

In my last conversation with Michelle, when talking about her recent project painting the Kupcake Factory, she commented to me that the more she paints signs, the more she identifies with their function in the community. I was thrilled to receive copies of this "Signs of the Times" magazine, a publication that is produced for Sign Industry professionals, to see her artwork become exposed to an industry that probably doesn't think about gallery hopping very often.

And isn't that the point? To recruit others into our artsy cult? Why do artists always think of mainstream publications to share their work, when there are so many different types of people who are passionate about the same things, sometimes not even realizing that the way they see their work is very similar to the way an artist sees their own.

Congrats Michelle! We love you!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lou Blackwell coverage

Lou Blackwell featured in Where Magazine May 2009 issue.

When in New Orleans, pick up a copy of Where Magazine, used as a guide for visitors to New Orleans, and open it to the Galleries + Antiques Section to find a feature on Lou Blackwell!

Also, Lou's outdoor public mural, "All Aboard", was rated by Art Critic Doug MacCash of the Times Picayune in New Orleans. Lou's piece, as well as several other monumental works, were part of the "Art in Public Places" project, sponsored by The Arts Council of New Orleans and the Joan Mitchell Foundation.

Lou Blackwell's mural, All Aboard, sponsored by LePavillion Hotel.

Read Doug MacCash's complete coverage of the Art in Public Places project here: